Tuesday, September 21, 2010

fresh tomato sauce

i'm very type a. surprisingly, my tomato sauce isn't.

you need:
a crap ton of tomatoes (i had a huge bag of free beefsteak tomatoes. i'd imagine this would be even better with heirlooms.)
a head of garlic (we like garlic. if you don't maybe add a little less. but who doesn't like garlic?!)
a medium/ large onion
the loot.
fresh basil
fresh rosemary
some sugar
some salt
some olive oil
some oregano
i usually like to add a can of fire roasted tomatoes to my sauce, but we were out.

saute onions and garlic in olive oil until onions start to brown a little.

sorry for the bad lighting.
cool cutting board though, eh? :)
blanche tomatoes (a fancy way of saying, 'boil them, and when they start to peel, run them under cold water and try not to burn your fingers while trying to get the skin off.') and peel completely. dice and add to pot.

add spices.

simmer for about a half an hour, or more, depending on how soft tomatoes were when you diced them and also the size of your pot.

i cooked up this pot of sauce in anticipation of sunday night dinner, where our very own dear paul uncle will be visiting us from india. we're hoping a lot of our friends show up and enjoy his company as much as we will!

*kandyce in denver, CO

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